Aftermarket Expert SEO Insights – Digital Showroom

The digital showroom is the next big thing. We see a lot of tire widgets online that look like in the beginning of this video – when you try and request quotes there is a long form that needs to be filled out. These lengthy lists are making it too hard to do business. The focus should be on extending your showroom digitally, and make it easy to give the consumer what it is they are looking for, when they want it.

Tire widgets are often over complicated and not clear. Wheels are the exact opposite, where often there are brands listed, but no actual way to shop.

IMB has set the bar for expanding your showroom digitally and offering a sleek tool to allow consumers to buy with their eyes. As shown on Gurr Auto’s wheel visualizer at 1:07 in this video we can see the direction of where the market is going.

The vehicles are presented as if new in the showroom with multiple angles views, consistent layout of wheels, tires and accessories. Consumer engagement increases drastically with better technology.

Want to learn more about our tire and wheel widget technology? Contact IMB today or give the tool a try for yourself!

Did you find this short video useful? If so, check out our next video on how to manage your online listings.
